The ONLY SmartWatch That Meets 100% of the Military Requirements for Combat Use…And How You Can Get One For FREE Today..

Hi I’m Daniel Craig, Retired Master Sergeant with the US Army. From my extensive time serving in the Middle East and various locations across the globe I’ve seen firsthand the biggest problem with smart devices of today is their ability to withstand the rigors and abuse that Soldiers put them through.
Over the last 10 years technology has made incredible leaps and bounds in their capabilities and features. But unfortunately things “aren’t built like they used to be” in terms of durability….
What Most People Don’t Know Is ThatMost Smartwatches CannotMeet the Extreme Demands For Military Use……sometimes they’re not even allowed due to critical design flaws. Not only are the well known SmartWatches not capable of withstanding typical use by our armed forces — they can compromise their safety by disclosing their location.
That’s why I’m talking to you right now… to help raise awareness about why a soldier would never buy just any SmartWatch.
And to introduce what I have found to be an incredible alternative that exceeds the performance of these other devices.

In Fact, BlackOps TacWatch Is the MostBattle Tested SmartWatch On The Planet…But what makes the TacWatch different from other typical SmartWatches? First, unlike regular SmartWatches, TacWatch does not require daily charging.
As you might know, many SmartWatches requiring daily charging to be used…
And their large screens use so much battery that they often require daily charging to be able to function…. So they aren’t guaranteed to work when you need them to.
If you ask any soldier, they DO NOT have that time…. Especially when out in the field…
Regardless of the time wasted…. they often don’t even have access to outlets.
However, BlackOps TacWatch has advanced battery conservation technology that helps it last Up to 10 Days without Charging…