The Super Stealth™ Shop 20% Off Now
Code: “20OFFTSS”
The Dual Angle Hunter® Shop 20% Off Now
Code: “20OFFDAH”
The Super Stealth™, #M97, is our latest ambidextrous IWB to feature our GRD™ (Gunhide® Retention Device.) The GRD™ locks the weapon with an audible click usually reserved for Kydex® holsters. The IWB is made of premium padded 1060D ballistic nylon and comes with a sturdy 1 3/4″, powder coated spring clip which can be repositioned for left-hand carry.

The Dual Angle Hunter® features separate belt slots for conventional hip draw or cross draw. The 016 is constructed of premium saddle leather and molded to the specific gun it is intended to carry. Available in tan lined leather. Accommodates belts up to 1 3/4″ wide.