Exclusive – FREE Emergency Go Bag – 7 Items For Free

Being a Survivalist can be an expensive lifestyle. We must worry about food storage, weapons, security systems, emergency plans, etc. and 5x that for our families. Plus it takes so much time to plan what you need, search for the best product at the best price, and put it all together. It can take months to collect all the items needed in a standard Go Bag. Let’s see, you’re going to need a Flashlight, Battery-operated radio, Extra batteries, Whistle, Dust mask, Pocket knife, Emergency cash in small denominations, quarters for phone calls and updated phone card, Butane lighter and matches, Sturdy shoes, a change of clothes, and a warm hat, Local and regional maps, Water and food (snacks and one or two bottles per person) and the list goes on and on…

You Need A Time-Saving – Quick Action Go Bag

We’re going to save you the trouble of finding the best and putting it all together for you (plus it’s massively discounted to your advantage!)

This has blown away all my expectations

Take a look at all the LIFE SAVING TOOLS you are getting for FREE TODAY – or click the Buy Now Button to claim this limited special offer – just for our Hotlist Members.

This Time-Saving Go Bag Includes:

  • Collapsible Lightweight Backpack to keep everything in. It is versatile and can be used to carry much more than what is pictured!
  • Waterproof Matches – start fires quickly even when the rain is pouring down on you.
  • Durable Black Paracord Bracelet with a built-in compass. You’re going to need a reliable guide. We’ve got you covered!
  • Bright Light Stick that lasts for up to 12 hours. Pro-tip, add the light stick to a clear jug of water. It immediately becomes a lantern.
  • Standard First Aid Kit filled with all the essentials
  • Elite Breathable Dust Mask made to be comfortable, keeping good air in and bad out.
  • Lightweight Emergency Thermal Blanket – keeps body heat in and protects against harsh weather conditions.

Learn More!!!
