“The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.”
Thomas Jefferson
Dear Reader,
In honor of our wonderful country, Steel River has just released their lightning fast opening stiletto, wrapped in our beautiful flag!
Every day men and woman like yourself make sacrifices to protect our freedom. They keep watch for possible danger and keep us safe.
God Bless Them! AND God Bless The USA!
“There is nothing so likely to produce peace as to be well prepared to meet an enemy.”
George Washington
I feel grateful to live in such a Beautiful Free Land! Yet we all know that unfortunately, it can be filled with Danger.
The ability to protect myself and show my pride in my country is priceless.
Celebrate your Freedom with this Patriotic Knife – Shipped Free From The Heart Of America!
It’s all waiting here for you. No risk. Every penny back, promptly, if you’re not happy, no need to explain no questions asked. And…
The Steel River Star Spangled Stiletto is manufactured with such craftsmanship and care that they come with an IRON CLAD guarantee –
Here’s what to do now: Simply click on the “Claim Yours” button below and enter your preferred shipping address. I will make sure that your package is rush-shipped by USPS mail. You’ll have it in a few days. And you can see what all the fuss is about for yourself.