Here’s the amazing thing about the Sun Kettle…

The Sun Kettle could be used with our Food4Patriots survival food in a pinch (a nice backup plan to have on hand) but I’m sure it’ll find its way into all your outdoor activities too.
Take it with you when you’re camping and have hot water for washing a few dishes or preparing a hot towel to clean up in the morning.
Bring it out fishing and you’ll also find that it doesn’t just make hot water… it can also make lunch! Just throw a few hot dogs into the Sun Kettle and whether you’re in a boat or casting from shore… lunch is served!
How about a fresh cup of coffee when you’re out in the field on a cool fall morning waiting for a deer to pop its head up? With the Sun Kettle you can have a fresh, hot beverage with no flame, no smoke and no noise whatsoever!